Eye on Utah
Channel 2 News
Reporter Kelly Vaughen interviews our Executive Director and some of our Clients, as to the work we do around our state.
Real Talk with NMAC
This is a Real Talk with NMAC podcast, recorded at the 2022 Biomedical HIV Prevention Summit in Chicago. Our Executive Director was an attendee, as well as one of the guests on this podcast! NMAC, the National Minority AIDS Council, is leading to normalize the discussion about race within the HIV movement.
Own It
In The Desert
Our Executive Director shares her experience of being a woman living with HIV.
40 Years of HIV
This is a video commemorating the 40th anniversary of HIV/AIDS, and the 1st time it made news headlines, printed in the New York Times. It’s a collaboration between People Living With HIV, our Executive Director being one of them, and AIDS United, a national non-profit organization based in Washington, DC, that is dedicated to ending the AIDS epidemic in the United States.